April 1st, 2020

April 2, 2020

There is a moon as “Radish Moon”.


Even if you say so, if you are not Japanese, you never know what “Radish Moon” is. Actually, I’m not sure if it is okay that I should translate 大根の月(daikon no tuki) to “Radish Moon”. However, ダイコン is Radish and ツキ is a moon.

そうは言っても、日本人じゃなければ大根の月なんて、分からないだろう。それに、大根の月を”Radish Moon” と、訳してしまっていいものか分かりかねる。でも、ラデイシュは大根で、ムーンは月だ。

Daikon no tuki is a title of a Japanese novel, written by Kuniko Mukouda. First time I know this on TV. It was a television drama.


It was a suffocating story.


Today, I saw the sky, I saw the moon radish (daikon no tuki).


There is a moon looks like a thin-sliced radish.


Comments (4) | More: All posts, Art, Literature

4 Responses to “April 1st, 2020”

  1. Pooh/kuroneko says:

    その手の形の月を見ると 元春の”月と卵”を思い出します。

  2. Pamela says:

    Your’s is such a marvellous radish moon! I wasn’t familiar with this type of moon, as you say – but it feels like a beautifully poetic Haiku image. After you mentioned the novel by Kuniko, I looked her up. There was a book of short stories with the English title, The Name of the Flower, 1980, and in the chapter on ‘The half moon’ – a couple were strolling along in the daytime and she points to the moon “Doesn’t the moon look like a fat white radish. Like a miscut thin radish slice” . You certainly have an amazing visual memory – Minikonote’s moon!

  3. minikonote says:


  4. minikonote says:

    I really like the story and the image of the moon. I’m glad you could find it and could read it.

    I also like another her story, Father’s apology(父の詫び状 Chichi no Wabijō ).

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