August, 2nd, 2020

August 3, 2020

I touched up the wall where were not perfect.


And then, I’ve finished painting all the walls of the gallery!


The very white walls made me feel refreshing.


By the way, It seems that two astronauts who went to space about two months ago. They have returned safely today. They came back here by parachute. Amazing.

所で、約2ヶ月前に宇宙に行った宇宙飛行士2人。 彼らは今日無事に帰ってきた様子です。 彼らはパラシュートでここに戻ってきました。 すごい。

The real stories of the spy people I read the other day; they also used parachutes to getaway.


Humans are too great. They make full use of cutting-edge technology and wind-nature.


Comments (2) | More: All posts, Art, Thought

2 Responses to “August, 2nd, 2020”

  1. Pamela says:

    A very Zen like space- cool & calm.

    It is extraordinary that they can just reappear like that back on earth 🌍as if they jumped out of an aeroplane… 🪂

  2. minikonote says:

    A strong mind and body can do anything! I wish I could be a strong person for my love and belief. xx

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