Trevor Shimizu’s press release mentioned Bonnard. I never think a connection Bonnard to Trevor. However, I see the brush touch and stroke are similar. But, I never think Trevor got influence from Bonnard. I think Trevor’s mind is free from art history.


Bonnard is one of the interesting artists for me. Because of his series of paintings of his wife is soaked in the bathtub.


Bonnard made many of his wife’s paintings. Her name is Marthe de Meligny. And in the paintings, she is always a young woman. I don’t know why. I love this painting “The Bath”.

ボナールはたくさん彼の妻の絵を書きました。そして、彼女は絵の中では年を取らなかった、っていうか、ボナールは妻を若いときのままに描き続けた。なんでかな?私は中でも、この 「お風呂」って題名の絵が大好き。

When the first time I saw George W Bush’s self-portrait, his paintings remind me Bonnard immediately. I thought W Bush was influenced by Bonnard.


I like these paintings. When I saw these paintings, I decided that I forgive George W Bush as a politician. And at the same time, I stopped to think he was a politician. He is an artist. His art talent doesn’t hurt anyone but makes us a smile.
