June 25, 2020
June 26, 2020
It’s summer. 夏です。
Speaking of which, June 21 was the summer solstice.
I think NYC is similar to Hokkaido where I came from.
There is no rainy season.
It will be cooler after the time of Obon (August 13~16).
What makes NYC different from Hokkaido is that after that, there is Indian Summer, and autumn is warmer than Hokkaido.
Besides, snow bugs fly in Hokkaido before it snows. New York does not have it.
Snow bugs die just by touching them. It is an ephemeral existence.
I’d never heard of a snow bug till now. I looked them up- they look so delicate and beautiful – and fluffy white cotton wool like body – I like their name more in Japanese – Yuki mushi. Sad that they perish so easily.
The snow bug “Yuki Mushi” lives in the moment. It’s like in the Japanese word 刹那 SETSUNA.
Artists made so many ephemeral notes before they make works.