June 26, 2020

June 27, 2020

Slowly, restaurants have started to open. But, we can eat there only outside or pickup and delivery.

ゆっくりと、レストランがオープンし始めました。 でも、外でしか食べられないか、持ち帰るかデリバリーしてもらうかです。

ダン蔵 and my favorite Fanelli’s cafe also open finally.

ダン蔵と私のお気に入りの Fanelli’s cafe もついに開きました。

I hugged each other involuntarily when I met my favorite waitress again.


But, the menu was limited. I picked up a few things ダン蔵 might love. He likes them, and we had a good dinner.


Thank you, universe!


Comments (2) | More: All posts, Neighbors, Thought

2 Responses to “June 26, 2020”

  1. Pamela says:

    We’ll shall definitely have to go when I next visit – it looks so classic. I hear they do great Maryland crab -cake sandwiches and ‘amazingly good’ Bloody Mary. 🦀

  2. minikonote says:

    Yes! Yes!!! You are right!!! xxx

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