March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
ダン蔵’s birthday is coming soon. ダン蔵の誕生日がもうすぐです。
After pondering, I bought these two books. 熟考の末、この2冊を買った。
And, it was a little early but I gave them to him already. で、ちょっと早いけど、もう、あげちゃった。
He was very happy about the both books. This made me very happy! 彼は2冊とも、すんごい喜んだので、それが、私も嬉しかった。
Two perfect gifts! I was interested to learn that Paul Klee was influenced by both Goya, and James Ensor. ” I serve beauty by drawing her enemies”. I’m not sure what he meant but it made me want to read more…
ダン蔵 loves both Goya and Paul Klee. Goya’s birthday is one day before ダン蔵. Van Gogh and Goya are on the same birthdays! I’m not familiar with James Ensor. I have to take a look at his works! Thank you, Pamala!