November 5th, 2020

November 6, 2020

One difficulty is gone and another is difficult.


The heater in our apartment hasn’t worked since last night.


I want to be a plumber.


If I understood the boiler air valve, this should be cured in 2 seconds.


Oh, it’s too complicated. But the candlelight simply showed hope.


Comments (4) | More: All posts, Thought

4 Responses to “November 5th, 2020”

  1. Pooh/kuroneko says:


  2. pamela says:

    I so agree with you… we all have those days when the obstacles/challenges we face seem insurmountable, and sometimes we just need some words, or someone who can sort out our problem more swiftly, your beautiful candlelight shows that when life seems to block the light, it still shines within our spiritual being…

  3. minikonote says:


  4. minikonote says:

    Dear Pamela,
    Most of the time I am not smart or not intelligent enough to resolve the problems….
    However, I can find some hope or candlelight keep me positive…
    Ah, well.

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