ダン蔵’s left foot toe is swelling. ダン蔵の左足の親指が晴れてます。

It seems infected. 感染しているみたい。

In a hurry, I applied Vaseline. 急いでワセリンを塗りました。

His physical therapist, Gloria found it this evening. She didn’t see it on Thursday, but it quite big. I wonder what going on so suddenly.


He doesn’t want to go to an emergency. Gloria also does not recommend going to an emergency. We decided to call his foot doctor on Monday.


He saw his foot doctor every two month. Last time we saw the doctor, he praised his feet for being in great shape.


I am deeply concerned. すんごく心配。Because he has diabetes. 彼は糖尿病だから。

I was planning to take a photo of my gallery exhibition with a photographer on Monday, but I’m sure I will decline.


And I have scheduled to have surgery to remove the tumor in my head on Tuesday.


I had been thinking about taking out the tumor for many years, but it has been postponed. Recently ダン蔵 seems to be doing well, so I planned to take care of myself once in a while.


Also, it seems me it getting bigger. それに、大きくなって来てるみたいだし。

Oh, I was off guard. Whenever I feel at ease, something happens.


Moreover, ダン蔵 dislike I am sick or weak. He appeals that he is sicker than me!


It may have been quite stressful for ダン蔵 that I have the surgery.


It’s not necessary to have the surgery now. I can do it at any time. So, I am thinking cancel on Tuesday.

今すぐ手術を受ける必要無いし、 私はいつでもそれをすることができるから、火曜日はキャンセルを考えています。

Even so, I was told that I shouldn’t drink alcohol for two weeks before the surgery, so I haven’t drunk a drop for about 20 days already.


Besides, I didn’t lose weight even though I hadn’t a single drop. I was hoping that if I didn’t drink it, I would lose weight.


It feels like it’s increasing. それよりも、増えてる感じ。

Oh, helpless…. 残念です。

It’s a warm-weather forecast tomorrow, so we planned to go to an early vote, but we’ll see his feet at home.
