I had a visitor in my gallery and my studio today. It seems that this young lady is a highly educated person because of the way of her talk, but not sure if she is intelligent. I can say that she is a person who studies a lot and has a good mind.
She made me a question;why I make ダン蔵’s portrait with very intellectual words.
I said I am not a very good educated person and I don’t understand your words. However, I have been making ダン蔵’s portrait because I love him. I love him, then I get a desire to make his portraits and I have the skill to make those portraits. Why not?
She groaned at my answer. 彼女は私の答えに唸ってしまいました。
However, I believe if you don’t love the subject you can’t make any relationship with it.
To those who speak highly educated, my work may seem like a mere play.
And maybe I just keep playing, like when I was a kid.