August 9th, 2020

August 10, 2020

A sky without clouds.


I doubt it is serious.


Even though my heart is so depressed.


Comments (2) | More: All posts, Thought

2 Responses to “August 9th, 2020”

  1. Pamela says:

    Thinking of you so much….please take great care.
    I find these words by Master Liezi to profoundly reflect our emotions at times – they also make me smile

    “Complete people gaze into the blue sky above, plunge into the center of the earth below, and run freely in the eight directions without even a change of mood.”
    The Book of Master Liezi

    Love P 🌌

  2. minikonote says:

    Thank you so much, Pamela! I should read Taoism. xoxoxo

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