June 18, 2020

June 19, 2020

Yanagi Souetsu. A Very important person in Japanese art. He was an art critic, philosopher, and founder of the mingei (folk craft) movement in Japan. He was the father of Yanagi Souri.

柳宗悦。 日本の芸術において非常に重要な人物です。 彼は美術評論家、哲学者であり、日本の民芸運動の創始者でした。 柳宗理のお父さんです。

Yanagi Souri was an industrial designer. He also involved in the design for MUJI.

柳宗理は工業デザイナーでした。 無印良品のデザインにも携わりました。

Design or folk art connected from father to child. It is a wonderful group of people who have made it easy for the common people to live and have brought us beautiful living goods.


When Charlotte Perriand visited Japan. Yanagi Souri guided her in Japan.


She was work with Le Corbusier. Le took most of her idea in his work. But, he stole her idea. I read this one of book of ダン蔵’s library.

彼女はル・コルビュジエと仕事をしていました。 ルは彼女のアイデアのほとんどを彼の仕事に取り入れました。 で、彼は彼女の考えを自分の功績にした。と、言うのをダン蔵の蔵書のなかに見つけ読みました。

Anyway, Yanagi Souetsu was Yanagi Souri‘s father.


It is that his folk art movement is still alive and alive in our lives.


MUJI is popular.


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